Fly with confidence

Our Workshop
Air Alizé has an aircraft maintenance site with a maintenance organization approval certificate (PART-145) n°FR.145.0353, a continuing airworthiness management organisation approval certificate (PART-M) n°FR.MG.0075 and the “I” privilege allowing us the renewal of a CDN and the extension of a CEN.
The aircrafts are monitored by a highly qualified team of technicians B1, B2 and C.
Did you know we have a stock of aircraft spare parts (PA31 and BE20) available for sale through The StockMarket Aero. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Our Ground Operations
The ground operation's department and operation's officers take turns to respond to your requests and coordinate day and night missions.
Their valuable experience ensures rigorous and precise flight preparation and monitoring.
Their adaptability allows them to cope with any unexpected situation and to assist the crew on a stopover or mid-flight anywhere in the world.

Our Flight Operations
11 Pilots including TRI / TRE on all of our aircrafts provide on-call duty 24/7/365, being ready to take off at any time.
Our pilots train regularly by alternating sessions on a simulator and on an airplane, allowing optimal performance by always putting flight safety at the forefront.
Evolving in tropical and temperate climatic zones, our pilots are used to flying in difficult weather conditions with unforeseen changes.
This broad area of expertise allows pilots to tailor their flights to ensure flawless safety and comfort.